Did you know 12.5 percent of Americans are alcoholics?
Going by this stat, it’s safe to say you certainly know someone who drinks a bit too much. There’s a good chance you’re this person.
Moderately speaking, alcohol isn’t a bad thing. In fact, the CDC says that if you can keep your drinking to no more than 2 drinks a day, you’ll escape the harmful health effects of alcohol. Unfortunately, sticking to this recommendation is said than done.
However, while some alcoholics end up with crippling addictions, others remain highly functional. This is known as high functional alcoholism.
Do you want to know if you or someone close to you is a high-functioning alcoholic? Keep reading for the common signs:
You Take Care of Your Responsibilities
A classic effect of alcoholism is the victim becomes dysfunctional. They no longer handle their responsibilities effectively, such as paying bills at home. At work, their output takes a nosedive.
It’s not uncommon for alcoholics to abscond from work for several days before showing up. Some will go on drinking sprees and fail to return home for days on end.
However, this doesn’t happen to all alcoholics. There’re others who will still execute their responsibilities fully even when addicted to the bottle.
If you’re this person, don’t assume that you’re safe from the claws of alcoholism just because you’re still taking care of what you ought to.
You’re Always Finding Excuses to Drink
Are you the kind of person who doesn’t pass up an opportunity to catch a drink?
Maybe you want to go straight home after work, but then you pass by a bar and can’t resist the urge to step in and have a drink. Or perhaps it’s a Sunday, a day you’ve designated as your family day, but then a friend calls you for a drink and you can’t resist but leave.
Such instances are numerous and diverse, if you’re always finding excuses to drink alcohol, you could be a high-functioning alcoholic in the making.
Legal Problems Aren’t Standing in the Way of Your Drinking
Drinking can have legal consequences.
For example, if you drink and drive, you risk getting arrested and facing DUI charges. DUI consequences vary from state to state, but if you become a repeat offender, your license could be revoked and there’s the possibility of facing jail time.
If being aware of such consequences doesn’t trigger you to moderate your drinking, you could be dealing with high functioning alcoholism.
You Don’t Think You Should Get Help
Alcoholism, like most addictions, is a disease. It’s not going to go away on its own.
You need to enroll in an alcohol addiction treatment program that combines both detox and rehab. Hope Rising Detox has an informative article on the differences between detox and rehab.
If you’re seeing signs of high functioning alcoholism, you need to get help. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
High Functioning Alcoholism Is Just as Dangerous
High functioning alcoholism isn’t a myth. It exists and you or someone you know could be a victim. With this guide, you don’t have to second guess. You now know the signs to keep an eye on.
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