When we start to grow up we slowly realize we maybe haven’t made the best decisions when it comes to what we have invested our money in. It may have been spent on clothes we have worn once, a pair of expensive shoes, or a bag that we thought we couldn’t live without. But when we spent money on those items, it meant that other parts of our lives didn’t get as much financial attention. One of the things we wish we would have started investing in sooner is high-quality, timeless furniture. Though we are getting to this later in the game, it is never too late to put our hard-earned cash toward something worthwhile. We have a few ideas of how to invest in quality furniture. So, let’s get started.
Get a mattress that will last
It is highly likely that you are sleeping on a mattress that is too old and has become rather unsupportive over the years. We understand, since we have all been there. But that means the time has come to upgrade your sleep situation and invest in a new mattress and a Layla hybrid mattress will be a perfect choice. Why continue to settle for mediocre sleep when we spend a third of our life in bed? Is it really worth waking up and having a sore back and neck from a rough night’s sleep? Stop putting this investment off. It will be well worth the splurge.
Stop shopping for fast furniture
Fast fashion is something that you may be familiar with, and fast furniture is the same concept. Furniture that is made quickly, cheaply, and that doesn’t last too long. In order to invest in quality furniture, it is time to step away from fast furniture stores. Though they are more affordable, you truly get what you pay for when it comes to their products. Instead, spend a little more on pieces that are made more sustainably, and that will last you a lifetime. If you are indeed going for that lifetime piece, be sure you get something that is neutral. You never know where life will find you, and you want to be sure your furniture fits anywhere.
Go to a custom woodworker
Finding a custom woodworker to be able to make your own personalized quality furniture is just a short Google search away. Search “woodworkers in (insert your location here)” and start to shop around for your perfect fit. Though this process may be longer than driving to a store and picking up a dresser same day, you will be delighted with what you can find and what can be made specifically for you. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself on this one and really go for it. You may come out of it with a piece perfect for you, that was made with a lot of love.
Shop vintage or second hand
Though furniture that people are getting rid of may have seen better days, you can still try to invest in it and bring it back to life. It truly is amazing what sanding and a coat of paint from Ace Hardware can do to a piece of furniture. Not only will investing time and effort into it make it look better, but you will feel prouder of the pieces within your home. Plus, if you are on a strict budget, this may be the way to go. This is a great project to do with your partner, too. It will help you to bond together all while investing in your futures.
Don’t be afraid to put your money into something that is built to last you. Future you will be thankful you did.