Slot machines do malfunction. There is no doubt about that. Especially popular slot machines malfunction the most as naturally they are used the most. Anyone who has visited any land casino has seen “out of order” signs on some of the slot machines, so this is a natural occurrence. However, there are times when the occurrence is not natural, and it can be due to an accident by a player. Every time a slot machine is broken or malfunctions the casino loses money.
The main reasons Web slots are often broken is generally from overuse, old age of the machine, or a mistake on the part of the manufacturer. If a manufacturing error is involved, then the machine is sent back or repaired by the manufacturer and if any losses occur to the casino, then if in the contract, the casino can be reimbursed by the manufacturer. This is when a casino owns the machines.
Many casinos however do lease the slot machines, so a repair by the company that owns them occurs rapidly. It is not easy for a slot player to be blamed for breaking a machine unless there is actual intent involved due to frustration caused by losing. Greed and drinking within an online casino can lead to bad behaviors such as pounding on a machine. Repeatedly pulling the slot handles too hard or pushing or banging on the buttons that initiate another round of play. Of course, if someone starts a brawl within a casino and slot machines or other equipment are damaged the individual involved will face charges for assault and endangerment and can have the costs of repair added to the monies that are awarded by a judge.
But these are extreme cases, and most casino owners know that the slot machines are covered by either the manufacturer or the leasing company for repairs. A general rule for players in a casino to avoid trouble is to limit the alcohol consumption and do not bet consistently when losing. Trying to recover losses is a useless endeavor and only leads to more losses. Frustration and alcohol are a bad mixture.
However, if by chance a player does accidentally break a slot machine, the player should not panic. Most casino owners are used to this happening, and do not want to lose a player’s business either. There usually is no penalty to a player or banishment from the casino, except in the case of violence, or failure to report that a slot machine is broken. Some players will panic when they have accidentally broken a machine and walk out of the casino without reporting the damages. This is a serious mistake.
Casinos have CCTV (Close Circuit TV) cameras and other technology equipment on hand to record all movements, and even to record audio. Leaving without reporting an accidental breakage will be detected as it will be caught on camera once security personnel goes over the recordings to determine how, when, and who broke the slot machine
This can lead to suspension or even banishment from a casino but only happens when someone tries to sneak out without reporting the breakage. This can be compared to a “hit and run” accident with a vehicle, as no one should ever leave the scene of any kind of damages. If an accident occurs with a slot machine, personnel will usually just make a report and then contact the correct company for a repair. Some casino owners even carry insurance to cover the costs of repairs.
Now if someone repeatedly reports break machines accidentally, then suspicions might be aroused as some individuals do enjoy damaging property in casinos. Especially if a lot of losses occur routinely, manipulation of the machines might be tried unsuccessfully and cause the machine to not spin the reels correctly thereafter.
Some ways in which individuals do break machines that are not accidental but are tricks to cheat in slot gaming:
- Using fake coins. This has not been that apparent lately as casinos have gotten away from using coins in slot play, but some older casinos do still use coins.
- Blinding the payout sensor. A beam of light is shone into the payout sensor causing it to payout even when the player has not won. This can damage the sensor permanently. Again, this is an old trick and only works on machines that were built in the early 1990s or before. Few casinos still have these older machines.
- Computer chip manipulation. This scheme has been around since the 1980s and a locksmith familiar with the “smart locks” in cars of today found a way to manipulate the computer chip in machines to signal a payout.
- Bill validation devices. These are “old hat” also and only word on older machines. A device is attached to a one-dollar bill making it look like a 100-dollar bill.
It is possible to use the older methods in older land casinos only. Online it is much harder to cheat, but it is possible for someone that is very tech savvy. The problem with any cheating either online or offline is that payouts are monitored at the end of each night, and big payouts that are simultaneous trigger investigations. The manipulation of slot machines in anyway either online or on land is considered fraud in most countries and prison time can occur.
Accidents on the other hand if they are really accidents are generally overlooked by casino owners. So being honest and reporting any accidental breakage of a slot machine, even in the heat of the moment and with severe damage should be reported. It can be embarrassing to report an accident to the casino personnel, but it does avoid any long-term consequences in the end. Like any other business, casinos do have ways to make up for accidental losses and are aware that situations within a casino can be volatile. Honesty is the best policy when breaking a slot machine accidentally.