According to various studies, the average woman owns anywhere from 17 to 27 shoe pairs. Learning how to keep your shoes clean will make them last longer than ever.
The best way to keep your shoes clean is to consistently care for them from the beginning. If your shoes are white, then it’s especially important to look after them.
Shoes cost more than a few pretty pennies. Keeping shoes clean ensures that you get your money’s worth out of them.
Here are some tips for keeping your shoes clean:
Proper Storage
Properly storing your shoes means protecting them from the weather and extreme temperatures. Using a shoe tree in a climate-controlled environment will keep shoes clean because it keeps their soles off the ground and prevents them from gathering dust/dirt.
Humidity and high temperatures, however, ruin leather and weaken fabrics, which will ruin your shoes. This is why you should avoid storing shoes in attics or basements. It only takes a season or two of sitting in a basement/attic to make shoes unusable.
Speaking of the seasons:
Mind the Weather
Always take weather conditions into consideration before going out. Alternating your shoes based on the weather will keep your feet comfortable. It’ll also protect your nice shoes from meeting an untimely end.
Insider tip: Leather sneakers are more water-resistant than others. They’re also more durable than sneakers made from other materials.
Save white sneakers for sunny and dry days in the summer or spring. It’ll reduce the likelihood of staining and you’ll be able to enjoy having clean shoes a bit longer.
Use a Shoe-Cleaning Product
Invest in your shoes by purchasing a shoe-cleaning product. Manufacturers design these products for the sole purpose of cleaning shoes.
Pathogen Solutions has developed the best product for cleaning the soles of your shoes. This product removes 98% of pathogenic microorganisms from your shoes, so it’s definitely worth buying.
The following tip offers a more DIY approach:
Use Toothpaste
Knowing how to keep white sneakers clean means using toothpaste to your advantage. It’s possible to spot-clean white sneakers with toothpaste alone.
Just add the toothpaste to the stains by scrubbing gently in circular motions. After letting the paste sit for ten to fifteen minutes, use a damp towel to wipe the paste off. Then, voila—clean sneakers!
Stuff Your Shoes With Newspaper
Scrunch up some newspaper, then stuff it into your shoes after wearing them. Doing this each time you wear your shoes will absorb moisture from them. It’s especially helpful if you’ve been walking in the rain or a hot climate.
Even better, this newspaper trick will reduce the odors produced by wearing shoes.
Congrats—You Know How to Keep Your Shoes Clean!
Shoes are a $180 billion global market. Now that you know how to keep your shoes clean, you’ll be smarter about buying, wearing, and caring for shoes.
Keep your nice shoes separate from your everyday shoes. This will keep them cleaner by avoiding possible cross-contamination.
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