Wondering what path to take for your education? Many young people find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to this, and not even just young ones. The issue can be made more problematic when you consider how fast certain fields are moving. Just in the last decade we’ve seen significant transformations in some areas that have driven certain jobs out of the market in favour of new ones. And while it can be hard to predict how those movements will occur in the future, there are certain fields that are always going to be a safe bet. If you are not sure what direction to look in, here are some hints about degree choices that you likely won’t go wrong with, as long as you have the basic curiosity and aptitude for exploring them.
Business Administration
There will always be a demand for business analysts. While some may say that the field is largely shifting to a digital one with little need for intervention from human specialists, that’s quite far from the truth. Yes, it is true that digital solutions are taking over left and right – but humans are not out of the picture yet. In fact, there is a stronger demand for competent specialists in business administration than ever before, and it’s very likely that this trend is going to continue with full force for the next decade or so. That’s because technology has done wonders to eliminate the need for menial work and repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on the things that matter more – complex projects that require long-term oversight and a carefully planned approach that factors in the state of the market as a whole.
The same can be said for healthcare. There have been lots of advancements in the field thanks to recent technological developments, and at the same time, physicians are highly sought after in many fields of specialisation. It’s becoming more important for a good doctor to know their way around a computer though, and in some cases, you might actually need to demonstrate quite the advanced level of competence in this area in order to see good results. But if you have what it takes, healthcare can be a great opportunity to expand yourself in a direction where you’ll be helping many people, while staying at the forefront of new developments at the same time.
And on the note of staying at the forefront, if those new developments themselves are what you’re interested in, then there are plenty of opportunities in the technological sector itself. There are many ways to develop yourself in this field that don’t involve the “standard” stuff like programming, web development and tech support. If you have a more scientifically inclined mind, you can become a researcher pushing the boundaries of the field and experimenting with new approaches for solving problems that have been around for a while. Don’t worry about not bringing anything special to the table – many of the most creative solutions we’ve seen in the last couple of decades seem to have come exactly from people without any prior experience in their corresponding fields. The technology sector seems to have a special ability to bring out people’s curiosity and set them on a path to bettering things for everyone.
If helping people is your thing in general, then you should also take a look at what the education sector has to offer you. There has been a high demand for competent specialists here for quite a while, and an online master’s in education can take you a long way if you have the right kind of personality. A balanced combination of patience and curiosity can be greatly rewarded in this line of work, and if you know how to connect with people on a deeper, more fundamental level, then you already have a better chance than the majority of people working in education. Keep in mind that the workload can be quite intensive and the job can remain demanding even as you climb up the ladder. But for some people, that’s exactly what drives them to working in this sector in the first place.
The financial sector has been going through major transformations in recent years, and it has been in high demand for specialists with a fresh new outlook on it. This means that recent graduates are enjoying a lot of attention from multiple sides, especially those who’ve already shown some aptitude for solving the problems commonly found in the sector. Don’t fall for the trap of assuming that just because you don’t have any prior experience with money (or an apparent knack for it) then you’re not cut out for working in finances. As we said above, the field is in dire need of people who are able to think outside the box instead of just following the established norms.
Engineering comes in many forms, and one thing unites them all – they are professional fields with strong prospects for development in the long term. If you’re looking to solve difficult problems while also seeing the fruits of your labour all around you, then this is a good general direction for you to explore. From computer engineering, to mechanical and civil – there are many specialised fields that each explore its own unique set of problems, some of which have the potential to change the whole world around us for the better. You never know if you might be what the field needs to make that big jump forward – so take a look around and see if anything strikes your fancy!
The most important piece of advice you should follow though, is that you shouldn’t stick to what you’re comfortable with. Sure, you might see faster progress in the beginning that way, but the truth is that many of the best discoveries in various fields have been the result of people pushing out of their comfort zones and exploring things that are unfamiliar to them – and ultimately discovering that they have an aptitude for things that they were completely unaware of before.