In TV series and films about College life, you can often see typical images of students. Most often in life, they differ, because in the movies the character is modified to have a stronger impact on the viewer. But in real life, there are several types of students who are in almost every group.
Regardless of the student type you are, nearly every student struggles with academic writing from time to time and may be interested to buy term papers online.
Let’s see who they are. Perhaps you will find yourself or your best friend among them.
The one who always sleeps
This guy or girl has a superpower: he can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. He is not confused by the contemptuous look of the teacher and the surrounding noise.
Most often, the sleeper remains unnoticed, but some lecturers pay special attention to such students. Someone jokes about them take pictures and show them at the end of the lecture. And someone loudly shames the whole audience. In any case, these students do not need to be envious: they miss a lot of information in the classroom, and it is much more difficult for them to prepare for the session.
The reason for excessive sleepiness is simple: many of them work in addition to studying, often at night. Well, no one canceled the lectures because of that. If you belong to that type of student, make sure that you prioritize sleep in your daily schedule. Sleep is essential not only for being successful at College but also for overall health, and well-being. Lack of sleep can even trigger some psychological disorders like depression.
“I know everything”
In any class, there is a person who raises his hand almost at every lesson. He asks questions to the teacher and answers counter questions, clarifying a bunch of details on the material. Most lecturers like such students, which cannot be said about classmates. Some students find this annoying, or even distracting. Being proactive, asking questions is great skills that will be appreciated in the future student’s career.
The upstart geek is, in fact, very useful for the whole group. If some of the students are not ready for the lesson, he distracts attention. Also, his questions can confuse the teacher, which makes him forget what and whom he wanted to ask.
The White Crow
This person usually sits somewhere at the end of the audience, dreaming or drawing in a notebook. The white crow usually has no friends or only one companion, and this is completely normal for him. These people often are very creative, and think differently. Therefore, it is very useful to start communicating with them more often. By no means, you should not make fun of these people because of their desire to spend more time alone.
Most classmates think that this student is gloomy and strange, but this is not always the case. More often it’s just a shy introvert who is quite comfortable being alone. At the same time, he is quite cheerful and sociable with close people. By the way, introverts are the most loyal, devoted friends.
This is not about a heavenly body, but about a student who is loved by all teachers. He is always ready for classes, looks relaxed and calm. He finishes the exams perfectly, often receives high grades for projects and practical assignments. Very often, these students are also involved in the social life of the College or sports in addition to their studies.
It seems to classmates that studying is too easy for the “star”, and all his writing assignments are made by elves. But don’t jump to conclusions: you never know what a person is experiencing. In most cases, they are highly motivated to do so much because of their financial position or some family issues.
Gadget lover
It seems that this person’s hand is glued to a mobile phone and never comes off it. The “gadget lover” is constantly hanging out on social media, while other students listen to the teacher. It is totally fine to look for some information that is relevant to the current lecture, but surfing the internet solely for a personal reason may be harmful to academic success. And what’s the point of showing up to a lecture if you are not listening to the lecturer?
Perhaps he will become a targeting or a social media specialist, who knows.
The clown always has a joke to cheer everyone up. Usually, this person is fooling around and does not pay attention to what the teacher says. When it comes to an awkward pause in a conversation between classmates, the clown will always find something to say to break the silence.
This type of student can often be found in memes.
The energy powerhouse
The energizer seems to have a flywheel of time. He magically manages to keep up everywhere: he works and studies, goes to the sports section, participates in almost all university events, happens at every student get-together. It seems like he might have three coffees a day.
Such students have too much energy to sit idly by. And while you’re trying to beat procrastination, your classmate finishes his homework and goes on a date.
This person probably easily takes up extracurricular work and quickly moves up the career ladder.
A fantastic creature
He constantly borrows pens, asks what the homework was, and comes to classes unprepared. Everyone is wondering when he will be expelled, but he manages to get away with any situation.
The “fantastic creature” often goes to retake, but as a rule, he still graduates from university. Sometimes he gets lucky in the exams. Then he brings home a high grade despite the fact that he was not ready for the exam.
Any student, even the most energetic, sometimes needs help with homework. This happens when you want to spend time with your loved one, meet friends or go to your parents for the weekend. In this case, you can ask a friend for assistance, or work with a tutor.