Did you know that only around half of small businesses survive 5 years or more? It can be tough to attract and keep customers coming through the door.
If you’re struggling, then you might be looking for ways to bump up your sales numbers. And a great way to do so is through a pop-up display!
Interested in how you can use this type of marketing? Then keep reading for some effective ways to use a pop-up display to attract customers.
Place Them Outside
What better way to get people into your store than to advertise outside? You may already banners and posters, but sometimes, these aren’t big enough to attract attention.
What’s great about pop-up displays is not only are they huge, but they’re also 3D. The fact that they pop out means people will notice it, especially if they have to walk around it.
Not only should you put these displays right outside your shop, but also in the parking lot or down the street. The more places you can put these displays, the better, as they’ll direct traffic inside your store.
Choose the largest pop-up display sizes for the best results. For example, these pop up displays will work well.
Put Them at the Entrance
Another place to put pop-up display stands is at the entrance of your shop. They can show customers who walk in all the great things you have on offer.
Pick some key products/services to put on the banners. Your customers might not know they even needed these things until they see it on the display. You’re sure to increase the sales numbers as a result!
Put Them Right Before the Checkout Counter
This works in a similar fashion to the last idea. However, the pop-up display will serve as a reminder, just in case they’ve forgotten to grab something. It can also work as an upsell, as your customers might not have thought to buy the product in the first place.
In any case, having a pop-up display banner right before people pay is a good idea. You’d be surprised at how many last-minute purchase decisions are made!
Scatter Them Throughout the Store
The customer journey is important for creating a bond between customers and your brand. Create a literal journey by scattering pop-up displays throughout your store.
Don’t place them randomly though. Make sure they make sense and are helpful in directing customers to what they need.
For example, if they’re in front of a shelf for dog food, you can put a pop-up display next to it showing them where the dog toys are. They’ll definitely find it useful!
Take Advantage of What a Pop-up Display Offers
A pop-up display is a fantastic way to draw attention to your products and services, no matter where you put it. For the best results, consider placing some both indoors and outdoors. With better visibility, you’ll be able to boost your sales numbers and keep your business running for years to come.
For more business marketing ideas, take a look at the rest of our blog page!