Getting locked out of your car isn’t a joke. It’s a stressful experience that no one should have to face but unfortunately happens to many people. A car lockout can happen anywhere, when you’re leaving your home or apartment, heading back home for work, or making a brief stop at a highway rest area. But not all hope is lost. Along with emergency locksmith services, there are multiple ways to retrieve or replace car keys. To find out what they are, read further.
Be sure that you’re in a safe area
Since a car lockout can happen anywhere at any time, you’ll want to ensure that the place you are in is safe. It’s especially pertinent when in the company of small children. If there are kids in the vehicle, you may want to notify the authorities when in extreme weather conditions. This also applies to them being stuck outside with you.
Check for unlocked doors
Pull on every door to see if they’re all locked. You don’t have to break the handle to do this, but there’s always a chance of you overlooking one. This goes for the trunk as well. If your trunk is unlocked and built in a way that pushes the rear seats forward when opened, you could climb into the front portion and grab the keys.
If available, use a spare
Maybe there’s a spare key that you’ve forgotten about lying in your wallet, pocketbook, or purse. Do a quick search in these areas. Is there a key fob to your car that isn’t attached to the keychain for your car keys? Maybe it’s lying it’s in one of your bags that you’ve forgotten about.
Check to see if there are any windows open
If you have an opened window, there’s a possibility that you could reach into the vehicle to grab your keys. Even if its crack is small, a wire hanger might do the trick. Of course, you’ll have to go out and buy one. This won’t be an option for everyone.
What does the traffic look like? If you’re parked somewhere that’s close to the street, get you and anyone else away from any moving vehicles. Remember, lockouts mean that you probably won’t have access to your trunk and any emergency flashers that might be in your possession. This is why it’s best to move in a location that’s blocked from incoming traffic, but not too far away from the scene.
Use a mobile locksmith
A mobile locksmith is the quickest, easiest solution when locked out of your car. The process for finding one is simple. Many car locksmith businesses operate in an expansive area. You can usually find one servicing anywhere a road exists. Most have a fleet of vehicles and are reached by phone or message online. Once communication with the business is established, a locksmith drives to your destination, usually with another set of keys. According to what model vehicle you have and its year, the locksmith could even open the vehicle and retrieve your keys without causing damages. Only use locksmiths that are insured, certified or accredited.
One advantage you’ll get with an emergency locksmith is a better position to get your car door open again without unnecessary destruction. This means no window breaks, lock damages, or funny looks from passers-by that might get the wrong impression.