About 85% of people worldwide have problems with their self-confidence. Most of the time, it’s caused by stressful events, such as losing a job. Some people are just more prone to negative thoughts than others.
Childhood trauma from bullying can drag you down. Your gender, race, and sexual orientation have a large role to play. A lot of the personality traits associated with confidence are inherited as well.
No matter your personal background, there are methods that you can try that will teach you how to be confident in yourself. A little positive self-talk and self-care go a long way. Continue reading to learn more.
1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
When you see how much money your friends make or where they are in their lives, it can be difficult not to compare yourself to them. It’s important to remember that life isn’t a competition.
Just because your best friend has reached their career goals and bought a house before you doesn’t mean that you can’t have that one day as well. Take a moment to appreciate what life has given you and take things at your own pace.
2. Set Goals
Improved confidence doesn’t start overnight. You’ve got to set little goals to help you along your journey. Start by talking to a stranger at the grocery or standing up for yourself.
Completing these goals will give you the self-confidence you need to tackle larger ones like getting an African American rhinoplasty. After all, getting a self-esteem boost is one of the biggest benefits of plastic surgery.
3. Try Positive Self-Talk
When bad things happen, it’s easy to gravitate toward negative self-talk. You tell yourself that you can’t pull yourself out of your situation or that you can’t tackle a new job because you were fired from your last one.
Take these negative thoughts and throw them out the window. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you can do anything. When things go south, make a promise to do better next time.
4. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone
Don’t put off a call until you manage to muster the confidence to do it. Go ahead and pick up the phone. Ask that person you’ve been eyeing out on a date and talk to your boss about that promotion.
Getting told no will feel devastating, but if you never take the plunge, you might miss out on something great. Besides, when you do get yes, it will give you a huge boost of self-confidence.
5. Practice Self-Care
It’s hard to feel confident in your body if you abuse it. Give your body the nutrients it needs by eating the right food.
Try out a new exercise routine or give meditation a try. It may be difficult to get 8 hours of sleep every night, but do your best.
How to Be Confident in Yourself and Learn to Love Who You Are
Learning how to be confident in yourself starts by cutting out negative self-talk. If you say that you can’t do something, you’re going to sabotage yourself.
Don’t be afraid to take a few risks. Change up your exercise routine, and stop comparing yourself to your friends.
For more tips that will help you better yourself, visit the Life section of our blog.