It’s estimated that about 16 million people consume kratom in the United States. This number is looking at about 2,000 metric tons that are imported into the United States each month.
Did you know that kratom might help you manage your anxiety? Why suffer if you don’t have to?
While anxiety can be debilitating at times, there’s hope. Read this guide on how managing anxiety with kratom could help you live a less stressful life today!
Can Kratom Help Treat Anxiety?
As you look to buy kratom, it’s believed that certain strains can help relieve stress and anxiety. Some evidence does suggest that kratom might help treat some of these symptoms, but more research is necessary.
While it’s not an opioid, it works similarly to one. The active ingredient is mitragynine.
It binds to your opioid receptors in order to relieve pain. One study finds that it could relieve anxiety and enhance your overall mood.
Keep in mind that each strain might have a different effect on anxiety. Make sure that you keep a journal of the strain that you take and how much.
Some of the alkaloids that are said to help with anxiety include:
- Speciogynine
- Mitragynine
- Mitraphylline
- 7-hydroxymitragynine
- 9-hydroxycoryantheidine
Maeng Da
One of the best strains for anxiety management is believed to be Maeng Da. While it’s one of the most popular strains, it’s one of the most potent as well.
Choose red Maeng Da to handle stress since it’s the most intense option. Since it’s a strong sedative, it’s not recommended to use it when you’re driving or in the morning.
Borneo Kratom
Another great option for anxiety treatment is red Borneo kratom. It comes from multiple indigenous tribes from South East Asian countries.
You could enjoy great results since it’s higher in alkaloids. It’s also a great option for social anxiety as well.
Green Malay Kratom
While this is a milder strain, it still could help with various symptoms including chronic pain. You could enjoy an energy boost while experiencing euphoria. Many choose to use it in the early morning since it can help with energy and focus.
If you take it in a higher dose, it’s more of a sedative. In lower doses, it’s great for an energy boost.
Green Malay is supposed to be great for concentration in school or work. Since it helps you focus more on what you need to get done, it’s said to help manage your anxiety or depression. It could work for mild to moderate anxiety.
Managing Anxiety With Kratom: What You Need To Know
After exploring this guide, you should have a better idea of what to expect for managing anxiety with kratom. Take your time deciding if it’s right for you, and speak with your doctor about any current medications or conditions that you have.
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