According to a recent study, American adults consuming cannabis increased to 49%. It’s also the highest statistics ever recorded to date.
The cannabis plant has CBD and THC that have varying effects on your body. Different marijuana strains are popular for recreational and medicinal purposes.
You must check if your state has legalized the consumption of marijuana before using the marijuana plan for any purpose. It’s also important to consider the potential side effects on your mental and physical health before consuming cannabis.
There exist many myths about the marijuana plant. While some are true, others are not.
Here, we provide you with five essential facts about the cannabis plant.
1. Uruguay Led in Legalizing Cannabis
Before 1974, Uruguay didn’t even have one law that directed the proper punishment for anyone possessing narcotics. Later in 2013, it became the first country globally to legalize marijuana entirely.
The government granted its citizens permission to grow, sell and consume the cannabis plant. While the residents can grow up to six marijuana plants, the state takes control of the cannabis dispensaries.
Besides, you can’t buy an eighth of cannabis unless you’re a citizen of Uruguay.
2. Human Breast Milk Has Cannabinoids
You’re probably wondering how that is even possible, right. Well, it’s true!
Human breast milk has natural cannabinoids similar to that of marijuana plants. The cannabinoids in milk make a rich, nutritious food for your baby. They help protect neurons in the perinatal development stage of the brain.
If a child lacks these nutrients, it’d be hard for them to know how to eat. They can also lack the desire to eat, thus causing malnourishment.
3. Cannabis Plant Absorbs Radiation
According to research, the marijuana plant can eliminate the toxins and radioactive elements that can harm the environment. After the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in 1986, radioactive waste material remained in Eastern Europe.
Scientists decided to prove this by planting cannabis plants where the disaster occurred. They confirmed that the marijuana plant removed harmful chemicals from the soil better than other crops.
The cannabis plant removes hazardous substances from the soil through phytoremediation.
4. Cannabis Plant Originated from Asia
Research has traced the original homeland of Cannabis in East Asia. In 2737 B.C, a Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung, first used the marijuana plant for medical purposes.
It’s believed that the emperor tested poisons and their anecdotes on himself. In his pharmacopeia, Sheng Nung wrote about the effectiveness of the cannabis plant in treating various ailments.
Such include gout, malaria, and rheumatism. Besides, the Chinese also depended on hemp for its weaponry, paper, and food.
5. Doomsday Vault Exists
A secret vault exists with thousands of marijuana seeds and other crop species. It’s believed that this safe place is on the island of Svalbard, somewhere between the North Pole and Norway.
The largest seed deposits occurred in 2020. More than 60000 seed samples got deposited from more than thirty different groups and nations.
More Facts About the Cannabis Plant
Today, there are more discoveries about the cannabis plant that didn’t exist years ago. Different countries now welcome more research into the cannabis plant for its revenue generation potential.
Other than the U.S., some nations have realized the benefits of growing and trading cannabis towards the economy. Others only permit the medical applications of marijuana.
Explore this website to learn more about the cannabis plant.