It’s the underdog of the marijuana world that’s slowly taking the industry by storm—Delta 8 THC. It’s a softer, milder form of cannabis, often referred to as ‘weed light’, because it’s less potent than some of the other cannabis strains.
However, if you’re thinking of trying it out, you’re probably wondering the big question: ‘Will Delta 8THC get you high?’.
After all, if you’re going to try out a new type of THC, you want to make sure it’s going to have the desired effect. If you want to learn about Delta 8 THC and the high it provides, keep reading to find out more.
What Is Delta 8 THC?
You might not be aware of Delta 8, the latest cannabis compound to attract attention—so, what is Delta 8 THC?
Delta 8 is one of hundreds of compounds that naturally occur in the cannabis plant. For centuries, humans have used the cannabis flower for all sorts of useful things, such as pain relief and using the plant’s hemp to sew clothing.
The receptors in cannabis react with our nervous system, creating physical and mental changes that many of us love—such as that high, euphoric feeling.
Delta 8 is a THC, which is considered the active part of the cannabis that produces a reaction in our bodies—so yes, it gets you high.
Another part of the cannabis plant you’ve probably heard of is CBD, which is an oil extracted from hemp. It has medical benefits, but its use doesn’t alter your mental state.
In nature, Delta 8 occurs in extremely small quantities. However, through genetics, selective plant breeding, and synthesizing, growers have been able to increase the production of the product.
Chemically, Delta 8 gets its name from the location of its double bond. It contains that bond on its 8th carbon chain, which differs from the better known Delta 9 strain, which has a double bond on its 9th carbon chain.
When you consume Delta 8, the 8th double bond means that the compound has less psychoactive abilities—in simple terms, the chemical compound of Delta 8 makes it less potent than Delta 9.
So, Will Delta 8 THC Get You High?
If you’re looking for a new THC strain to change, you’ll be glad to know that Delta 8 can definitely get you high. Part of the thrill of cannabis is looking for new strains to try, so try out Delta 8 and see how you feel.
Delta 8 is an active THC compound—even though it’s milder than some, it still contains the psychoactive properties that will trigger a reaction in your body when you smoke or consume.
However, before you light up, there are a few things you need to know. Keep in mind also that THC can impact everyone differently, so your high might be very different than someone else’s.
Sometimes users don’t feel much of a reaction the first they smoke a new strain. If that happens to you, consider waiting a while and then trying it for a second time.
If you’re new to THC use, start out small, as you don’t want to find yourself overwhelmed by a strong high. If it helps you feel more comfortable, smoke with others, so you have someone you trust around you in case the high takes an unexpected turn.
You want your first experience with a new strain to be a positive one, so going easy your first time is the best way to help yourself have a good time.
1. Yes—But in a Different Way
When wondering if Delta 8 can get you high, we can say with certainty that it can, but with one caveat—the high might be very different than the one you’ve experienced before.
Many THC fans are more familiar with the high made by Delta 9, which is powerful, intense, and mellow high. However, you might find Delta 8 to be a much more gentle, smooth high.
Because Delta 8 is less potent, your high is going to be less intense. For many people, that’s a good thing!
Many users don’t want to feel out of control or groggy after they smoke, as they’d rather keep their focus, be able to function, and just enjoy a relaxed, chilled-out feeling. If that’s what you’re after, Delta 8 might be a good choice for you.
It’s not to say one is better or worse than the other, as it’s more a matter of personal preference. Do you prefer a more mild high or a stronger one?
However, you might also have a more dramatic high from Delta 8—there’s no way to know until you try it out for yourself. Try talking to cannabis-loving friends or cannabis retailer staff about their opinions on Delta 8, as first-hand experiences can be a good way to learn more about how the high might feel for you.
2. Delta 8 Shows Up on Drug Tests
Another way we know that Delta 8 gets you high is that it shows up on drug tests. Some employees might be subjected to random drug testing, which traditionally have always tested for THC.
However, one bit of good news is that it’s starting to change. As more and more states legalize marijuana, companies are being forced to change how they drug test.
Recently, New York City approved a bill prohibiting companies to force job candidates to take marijuana screening tests.
If you do have an employer still testing for THC, you’ll want to avoid Delta 8. Most urine tests look for any cannabis products that contain THC, which Delta 8 does.
While the drug tests aren’t specifically looking for Delta 8, if you’ve consumed it, you’re likely to fail the test. Keep in mind that THC can stay in your system long after you’ve smoked.
If you’ve consumed edibles or used tinctures, they can still show up on drug tests, even if you haven’t physically smoked it.
If you smoke daily, a test might be able to detect THC up to 30 days after smoking. It can also remain detectable in your fingernails and hair for several months after consumption.
While it’s tempting to chance it, don’t risk your career or educational opportunities just for the chance to try Delta 8. An alternative is to use topical CBD oils, which won’t get you high but can help with pain relief, if that’s something that would help you.
3. You May Not Experience Side Effects
Another important thing to know about the Delta 8 high relates to side effects. One thing that many people find frustrating about smoking is the negative side effects it can produce.
Have you ever smoked some amazing weed, just to come down with a killer case of paranoia or anxiety? Smoking potent weed, or smoking too much weed at once, can make us feel like we’re dying, in terrible danger, or have irrational fears about what we’re going through.
It’s a quick way to ruin a good high, as if you’re feeling paranoid or worried, all you really want to do is hide away in bed and take a nap until the feelings pass.
One reason Delta 8 is so popular is because it’s not known to usually produce side effects. It produces less anxiety, less paranoia, and tends to leave users more focused and clear-headed than other THC strains.
This is great for anyone who wants to enjoy a smoke, but still needs to be able to function later in the day. Often, smoking can leave us feeling tired, groggy, or dazed the following day, but Delta 8 users tend to avoid this, feeling fresh and normal the next day.
While most users don’t experience side effects, some people might—you just don’t know until you smoke it for the first time.
4. You Can Also Use Delta 8 for Medicinal Medicine
While many users love the high that comes from Delta 8, the euphoric effects aren’t all that it can do. It’s known to have medical benefits as well.
Because Delta 8 doesn’t result in many side effects, it’s a safer option for medical patients, since they can enjoy the benefits of the THC without the negatives.
One particular benefit of Delta 8 is treating nausea. Nausea, upset stomachs, and vomiting are commonly experienced in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
However, a research study demonstrated that childhood cancer patients who took Delta 8 showed a decrease in their nausea, helping them settle their stomachs. Often, it can provide relief to adults as well.
In addition to cancer patients, Delta 8 is thought to help with pain and inflammation relief. If you suffer from aches and pains, either from chronic illness or injury, you might find Delta 8 can help.
If you’re looking for a THC strain to help with medical treatments, always talk to your doctor first to make sure it’s safe for you.
5. Delta 8 Is Legal, for Now
Sure, you want to get high—but you also don’t want to break the law. A wise decision, as it’s smart to buy THC legally.
It’s safer as well, as if you buy from a reputable retailer, your purchase is regulated, meaning you know exactly what you’re buying and you don’t need to worry about a dealer trying to mislead you or overcharge you.
What makes Delta 8 legal? It all comes down to the passing of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the 2018 Farm Bill.
This changed the law as it relates to hemp and hemp products, allowing them to be legally sold if they contain less than .3% Delta-9-THC and are derived from hemp—the active ingredient that creates the feeling of being high.
Delta 8 contains less than the legal amount, so according to the law, the high it produces is mild enough to be legal. It’s confusing and can be considered slightly arbitrary, as the .3% cutoff means some strains of THC are legal and some aren’t, even though they all produce some sort of feeling of being high.
Most Delta 8 strains are also produced synthetically, which also means they might not technically qualify under the law, which requires cannabis to be derived from hemp plants, not altered in any way.
For this reason, there has been some controversy since the passing of the law, with some marijuana advocates worrying that it could change at any time, thus making Delta 8 no longer legal.
You can buy Delta 8 legally in the 38 states that currently allow legal marijuana sales.
Is the Delta 8 THC High Right for You?
If you’re looking for a new and enjoyable sensation, the smooth high of Delta 8 could be right for you. Or, it might be a nice change of pace from the more intense highs you usually enjoy.
So, will Delta 8 THC get you high? For sure–but it might be unique compared to your previous cannabis experiences.
The only way to find out is to try it out for yourself though, so head to your local weed retailer or place an order online for some of their best Delta 8. You can enjoy it with a smoke, but it’s also available in other forms, including gummies, edibles, tinctures, and CBD oils, if you don’t want to feel high.
Get started today and see what the sensations of Delta 8 are all about!
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