Healthy habits, such as workouts, continue to take a back seat for many. Noah, Singapore’s leading men’s clinic reported in a study that a quarter of adults do not get a sufficient amount of exercise. This conclusion was drawn from a survey across 168 countries and 1.9 million people. Nevertheless, there continue to be legions of benefits that should stir you up to become physically active. The same study shows that at the minimum, 80 percent of all heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and 40 percent of cancer diseases are avoidable if people exercised daily.
The benefits of exercise are all old news that still stays staunch and further stretches out to include other perks like improving sexual performance. Before touching on the types of exercises that can enhance sexual performance, let’s outline ways exercise can benefit your sexual life.
Benefits of Exercising to Sex
Exercising involves engaging in a wide range of motion that works up your joint. In this way, flexibility helps improve your balance and aids you to experiment with various sex positioning. Correspondingly, flexibility relieves aches and pains.
Libido and hormone balance
Exercises can impact hormones. In men, it increases and sustains the level of testosterone and does the same for enzymes in women. A healthy level of enzymes in women increases genital activity. 20% minutes of exercise is enough to boost sexual arousal by 169%. Additionally, exercise helps you lose abdominal fat and increase blood flow to the penis, thus improving erection.
Builds strength, endurance, and stamina
Exercising improves cardiovascular health and is one best reason to start working out. A good heart can stretch your endurance level and is superb for an enhanced sex drive. It translates to extensive pleasure for you and your partner.
Boost self-esteem
Low self-esteem can become a psychological problem that sometimes affects sexual performance. When you begin to lose some weight and fat, you begin to feel good about your look. Exercise helps you develop a positive image of yourself. You even become attractive to yourself and feel good about your body.
Reduces stress
Exercising helps the nervous system produce endorphins. And endorphins help to reduce pain, boost pleasure and cope with stress. Arguably stress is a mood slayer. The less stress you can handle, the better ready you are for the emotional investment that follows sexual activities. Feel-good hormones help you fight stress and help you stay focused and sharp during sex.
Examples of exercises that Improve sexual performance
Swimming has proven to help tone the pelvic floor muscles and heightens the sexual experience. Harvard researchers found that male and female swimmers in their 60s enjoyed vibrant sex lives similar to people 20 years younger. Evidently,swimming trains your body for endurance, boosts blood flow, improves flexibility and strength.
Core and abs work
The core combines a group of over 20 muscles in the hips, stomach, and lower back. A small fraction of it also consists of the abs. The abs help to bend the torso or trunk forward. Your core is central to every physical activity you do, Including workouts and sex. Practice these two core and abs exercises at home.
- Glute bridge is great for your rectus abdominis, glutes, and transverse abs. This exercise helps your overall stability. There is no equipment needed. Right in your home, lie faceup, with your legs and heels on the floor. Keep your arms by your sides, with palms opened up.While in that position, lift your hips and lower back by pressing on your heels. Make sure your feet and shoulders stay flat on the floor. Then lower them back to the floor. Repeat the process and engage like that for another 10-15 minutes.
- Mountain climber impacts your rectus abdominis. Take a plank position by staying face down with palms and toes on the mat. Position your elbow to be under your shoulders and your forearms facing forward. Walk your feet back until your body is straight. Move your legs and make your knee almost touch your chest. Do the same to the other knee and subsequently alternate running both knees in and out as far and as fast as you can. Mountain climber helps to build cardio endurance and engages several different muscle groups that get your heart pumping fast.
Frog pose
The frog pose opens up your pelvic muscles and mimics the famous child pose. It targets your inner thigh muscles, hips, core, and pelvic area. Here is how you do this pose. Begin in a plank position. Slowly spread your legs to keep your knees wide apart. Bend knees outwards to the direction of the hip. Grab both feet with each of your arms. Do this one after the other, first your right hand to your right feet and your left arm to your left feet.
Squats make orgasm more intense by increasing blood flow to the pelvic area. They also improve the strength of your lower body to make thrusts powerful and penetrate deeper. Engage in squats by moving the hip back in a sitting position. Lower the knees some more, keep your chest up while you keep your back neutral. Move into a standing position by pressing into your knees. Repeat process.
Cat cow stretch
Cat cow stretch can help your flexibility with the doggy style position. It is described as a yoga essential because it engages the spine from a rounded position to an arched position. This physical activity also involves breathing – inhaling and exhaling. Linking breathing movement in this manner helps to keep you calm and regulate your breath during sex. Breathing can also improve your bedroom experience. Cat cow stretch targets the spine and abdominals. Begin like this.Go on your knees, palm face down, raise your head upward and tilt your hips upwards, with your tummy dropped down. Inhale, take your gaze up and exhale as you slowly move your chin toward your chest. With your fingers apart, lift the space between and above your shoulder blades, forming a cat pose.
Pelvic hip thrust
This exercise engages the pelvic floor and influences better orgasm in bed. Start with spreading your legs lengthwise with one foot forward and the other backward. Lower your knees slightly with your whole body facing forward. Stretch your pelvis forward and hold that position for 40 seconds. Alternate leg position and repeat process.
Push-ups help your flexibility to try out new sex positions. They improve your stamina by building the muscles that you engage during intercourse. You don’t need any equipment for push-ups. Just assume a plank position, palm shoulder-width apart. Keep your head and head neutral. Your body should form a straight line horizontally – head to toe. Bend your elbows as you lower your body until your chest touches the floor. Raise your body by pushing through your palms without moving your back. Your neck and spine should remain neutral and hips firm in position.
Intense aerobic exercises
These types of exercises improve your heart rate and keep you in shape by reducing weight. An overall healthy heart always results in great sexual function and performance. Running, Skiing, jogging, jumping rope, and cycling are examples of aerobic exercises.
When is the best time to exercise?
Sex before a workout can improve testosterone levels. Athletes may benefit from sex before working out because of the high testosterone levels, which helps workout performance. Similarly, post-workout sex increases testosterone levels too and enhances sex performance. A plus to this option is the gush of endorphin hormones that keeps you in a feel-good mood after a workout which puts you in the right mood for sex. However, in both cases, exhaustion may affect the next activity and make you unable to stretch your limits.
Does sex count as exercise?
Sex does not count as exercise if a major reason for exercising is to help your cardiovascular organs. Sex cannot efficiently expedite calories and improve cardio health. One reason for this involves how long sexual activity lasts. Typically, it takes between 3 to 13 minutes. According to a study, sex that lasts for 25 minutes burned an average of 101 in men and 69.1 in women. This result contrasted with what a 30 minutes intense run can do to the calories, which burned 213 and 279 in women and men, respectively. This study suggests that exercises need to last at least 30 minutes to achieve the result our body needs. The only way is to make sex be something close to a workout, is to increase the time spent having it. It can be inferred exercising will help you spend more time together during sex to make it count as an exercise.
Wrapping Up
It’s never too late to decide to lead a healthy life, never too late to decide to get maximum pleasure either. Exercises give all the answers so much so that people who suffer erectile dysfunction continue to benefit from exercising consistently. Ideally, to get excellent results that significantly benefits your health, you should spend a total of 300 minutes or more every week on exercising. Otherwise,30 minutes of moderate exercise everyday is a simple goal you can work to achieve.
Other than this, an important point of consideration here for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction is that exercise, as well as other similar lifestyle changes, can significantly help in the betterment of the ED. However, sometimes this must not be enough to cure it. This is the reason why it is always suggested to consult experts in case you are having the ED problem. You can do so easily online these days through the best digital healthcare platforms like Numan. Go on and check out the platform to understand how this could work fine for you as well.