If a natural disaster or other emergency strikes, you may find yourself without access to clean water. That’s why it’s important to have an emergency water supply on hand. In this blog post, we will discuss eight safety tips for storing water. By following these tips, you can ensure that your emergency water supply will be safe and usable in the event of an emergency.
Store Water In Food-Grade Containers
The best way to store water for an emergency is in food-grade containers. You can purchase these containers at most stores that sell supplies for home brewing or canning. Make sure to clean and sanitize the containers before use. There are also 20 gallon tank, and 55-gallon drum options available for those who want to store larger quantities of water. If you live in an area where hurricanes are common, it’s important to have a water supply that can last you at least a week. Make sure the containers are made of FDA-approved materials. If using reused containers, make sure they are clean and sanitized before use. Be sure to label the containers with the date of storage and expiration date.
Keep Your Water Supply Cool and Dark
If you live in an area with hot summers, it’s important to keep your water supply cool. One way to do this is to store it in a dark location. This will help prevent the water from heating up and becoming unsafe to drink. Another way to keep your water supply cool is to use a cooler or refrigerator. This can be especially helpful if you have a large water supply that you need to keep cool for long periods.
Lastly, you can also use ice cubes or frozen water bottles to help keep your water supply cool. This is a great option if you don’t have access to a cooler or refrigerator. Simply add the ice cubes or frozen water bottles to your storage container, and they will help keep the water cool.
Do Not Store Water Near Chemicals
One of the most important things to remember when storing water for emergency purposes is to keep it away from chemicals. This includes everything from cleaning products to fertilizers and pesticides. Chemicals can contaminate your water supply, making it unsafe to drink. If you must store water near chemicals, be sure to label the containers clearly and keep them sealed tightly. Finally, if you are using a well or another source of groundwater, be sure to have it tested regularly for contaminants. While groundwater is generally safe to drink, it can become contaminated with chemicals that leach into the soil and water.
Label Your Water Containers
It’s important to label your water containers, so you know exactly how much water you have and when it needs to be replaced. Write the date on the container when you fill it, and make sure to rotate your supply every six months. Including the date you filed your containers is key, as emergency water should be replaced every six months. By keeping track of this date, you’ll ensure that your family always has a fresh and safe supply on hand. And of course, don’t forget to label the containers, so everyone knows which is which.
Rotate Your Water Supply Every Six Months
Even if you have stored your water in a cool, dark place, it’s a good idea to rotate your water supply every six months. This will help ensure that the water is fresh and won’t go bad. To rotate your water supply, simply empty all of the containers and refill them with fresh water. Be sure to label the containers with the date so that you know when they were filled.
Check for Leaks Regularly
Checking for leaks regularly is one of the best ways to maintain a clean and safe water source during an emergency. Leaks can occur in any water system, so it’s important to be vigilant and check for them often. If you suspect a leak, shut off the water immediately and call a professional to fix the problem.
If your tank is leaking, it’s important to take action immediately. Leaks can quickly lead to contamination and loss of water, so it’s crucial to fix them as soon as possible. There are a few signs that you should look for that could indicate a leak or wet spots on the ground or your tank, a decrease in water pressure, or an increase in your water bill. If you notice any of these signs, shut off the water and call a professional to come and fix the problem. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take action against a leak. Be proactive and check for them regularly to ensure that your emergency water supply is safe and clean.
Store Water in a Safe Location
Water can be stored in many different ways, but it’s important to make sure that the location is safe. One way to do this is to choose a location that is away from any potential sources of contamination. This includes areas where there might be flooding or other natural disasters. It’s also important to make sure that the storage container is clean and sterile before adding water to it. Another way to ensure the safety of your water supply is to treat the water before storing it. This can be done by boiling the water for at least one minute, or by using a water filter designed for emergencies. Be sure to follow the instructions on the filtration system carefully, as some systems require specific types of treatment to be effective.
Keep Your Emergency Water Supply Accessible
Your emergency water supply should be stored in a cool, dark place. It is also important to keep it in a location that is easily accessible in case of an emergency. A good rule of thumb is to store your water supply within arm’s reach of where you sleep. This will help ensure that you have access to it in case of an emergency.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your emergency water supply is safe and usable. In the event of an emergency, having a clean and potable water supply on hand can help a lot. So make sure to follow these safety tips when storing your emergency water supply.