School at home is a reality for more and more families. Whether providing remote education due to the coronavirus or because of the desire to homeschool, there are lots of great ways to make school at home easier for your kids.
Children are used to the routine from their traditional brick and mortar schools and may find the change to remote a difficult one. This can cause stress and anxiety when your child should feel calm and happy with remote learning.
Luckily, there are ways you can help your child succeed with school at home while making it easier for them and you. If you’re interested in learning how to help them make this experience a fun and easy one, then keep reading for helpful tips and tricks.
Follow a Routine
Children thrive on routine. It helps them prepare for their day and know what to expect. Create a routine that allows them to complete their school from home while feeling prepared throughout the day, but be flexible.
You can purchase a dry erase board and mount it on the wall, allowing you to write down a daily routine. Make it colorful and engaging so your children can see it clearly and follow it with ease. They’ll know what to expect on a daily basis, as they will have it written out for them.
Remember to have fun and allow for flexibility. You may decide to spend a day completing hands-on activities just to switch things up after their school work is complete. Be sure to let your children take part in planning a daily routine, so they feel like a part of their learning experience.
Keep an Organized School at Home
In order to create a schedule that works for you and your children, you need to be organized. Invest in a day planner to keep track of what assignments are due, along with tests, quizzes, and projects.
Supply your children with assignment pads to help them stay organized. Every morning, review with them what is due that day or week and provide plenty of support.
Invest in cubbies to store school items, and designate a special space in your home for school to take place. This will help your children feel comfortable and secure in their learning environment and aid in their ability to follow a routine.
Break It Down
School at home can be overwhelming, so be sure to take plenty of breaks. Take a walk, have a snack, or play a game. When your children seem overwhelmed, stop what you’re doing, and focus on something relaxing instead.
Break lessons down into smaller segments. This will help you gauge how well your children understand the material while helping to reduce their stress.
If you need help with a math lesson, then consider math worksheet templates. These will help you create meaningful lessons tailored to your child’s individual needs.
Creating a Plan for School at Home
Once you have a plan in place for school at home, remember that the most important thing is to make remote learning a shared experience for you and your children. If you stay relaxed, your children will be relaxed as well. Take plenty of breaks and work at a pace that best suits your child.
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