Back pain accounts for more than 264 million lost workdays every year. That staggering number impacts productivity, your paycheck, and business revenue.
As a worker, calling out sick because of low back pain affects the number of vacation days you can use for vacations. If you’re an hourly worker, that’s lost income that’s hard to make up.
If you’re like a lot of workers who are now working from home because of COVID-19, you need to check your ergonomic work from home set up.
The pandemic is going to force you to work from home for many more months. Read on to learn how how to avoid lower back pain when you work from home.
1. Working on a Laptop?
When workers were told to work remotely in March, many grabbed their work laptops and used them to work from home.
Months later, you’re still working from a laptop. Here’s what that is likely to do to your body.
Your neck is tilted down, looking at a smaller screen. That puts added strain on your neck. The smaller screen strains your eyes. You’re leaning forward to reach the keyboard, straining your shoulders and lower back.
One solution to the problem is to get a wireless keyboard and mouse. You can connect these devices to your laptop via Bluetooth. You can raise the laptop onto a stack of books so it’s at eye level to reduce the strain on your neck.
If it’s in your budget, invest in a larger monitor to reduce eye strain. This also reduces the need to
2. Check Your Chair
Your chair has a lot to do with lower back pain. If it’s not properly aligned, your body feels it after prolonged usage.
There is a lot of talk as to what makes an ergonomic chair. Some swear by stability balls, but they’re not as great as many claim them to be. These tips have additional insights as to what you should look for in a chair.
3. Schedule Breaks
Your work routine is a habit that can be hard to break. You’re so used to sitting at your desk for hours on end at the office that you’re likely to be doing the same at home.
That lack of movement has a lot to do with your lower back pain. Over time, your pelvis gets thrown out of whack, and it causes strain on your lower back.
Take a break every 45 minutes or so and move. Go for a walk around the block, do some hip and shoulder stretches, and adjust your sitting position.
Check Your Ergonomic Work From Home Set Up
What’s the best way to prevent lower back pain? Check your ergonomic work from home set up. You need to make sure that your computer and desk are set up at the right height for your body.
You have to check your desk chair. Most of all, you need to step away from the computer every now and again.
Do you want more tips to stay healthy? Check the Health section of this site for more articles.