Artists in the sex worker space are taking a lot of precautions to protect themselves from both their fans and the law. By being careful about what personal data they share on social media, how they interact with their fans, and how they brand themselves as an artist, they can keep themselves safe while still reaching out to their audience.
Limiting Exposure through Aliases and Link Bio platforms like
One of the benefits of being an artist in the sex worker space is that you’re able to build your own brand and grow your audience from scratch. This is a good thing, but it also means that you need to be extra careful about protecting yourself, especially when it comes to your personal information.
- Use aliases for social media accounts
- Use for managing profiles and other online accounts
Fanects is the only Link Bio platform that allows mass marketing to your fans and drip campaigns. Fanects links your fans to your latest video, pics, pay site, article, recipe, tour, store, website, social post – everywhere you are online!
Hiring Monitoring services for their name and content like
Your name can be a big part of your brand. If you’re an artist and someone else takes it, you have to take action before anyone else does. is a service that helps artists and content creators protect their work. It has a free plan for artists and content creators, as well as paid plans with more features if you want them.
Setting up Legal Representation for them
If you’re going to be working in the sex worker space, you need to have a lawyer. It’s just that simple.
- Find a lawyer who knows what they’re doing and ask them for advice on how to protect yourself as an artist.
- Bring them your contract and let them review it for you. They should be able to tell if there are any issues with the language used or if something needs clarification or changing (i.e., making sure that all parties understand what is expected from their end). You may also want to ask them how best to handle any potential problems that come up relating specifically to art projects such as copyright infringement, plagiarism, etcetera.
If these steps sound scary or overwhelming—don’t worry! Your local bar association has legal services available for people who can’t afford their own attorney; call them up and see if they can help guide you through this process without breaking the bank!
Trademarking and Copywriting their Name and Content
If you’re an artist in the sex worker space, it’s important to trademark your name and Copywrite your content. These are two different things that can help prevent people from stealing your work and using it for their own purposes.
A trademark is a word, phrase, logo, or slogan that identifies a brand or product. Once you register a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you have legal rights to use the mark on or in connection with goods or services in commerce throughout the United States without other authorization from anyone else who wants to use it in those same ways. You can make sure that nobody else uses what is called “confusingly similar” marks on products that could confuse consumers into thinking they were buying something from you when they weren’t actually buying anything made by you at all! This protects against unauthorized use of names, logos/slogans that identify brands/products with which consumers associate certain characteristics about quality or reliability; makes sure no one else steals them away from us so our hard work doesn’t go unnoticed anymore!
Hiding their Personal Data and Limiting Direct interactions.
This is a great way to be more private online. It’s usually pretty easy to find an artist’s real name and location on the internet, so this is a good way to keep that information private. You can also limit who sees your information by only allowing friends or following people you trust to see your posts, photos, etc.
In conclusion, sex workers are a powerful force in the entertainment industry and they need to take steps to protect themselves. If you’re an artist who is looking for ways to minimize risk while maximizing your income, these tips can help you do so. It’s important that we all remember this industry is still young and growing which means there will always be some risks involved with working online as an adult performer or content creator. However, by using the steps listed above (or similar ones), anyone can make sure they are prepared in case something goes wrong