If you look at the gaming news, you’ll probably see three names pop up time and time again. These are of course Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo. While these are the three biggest names in gaming, it doesn’t mean that you need a console to play a good game. Here are some of the best ways to play games without needing to buy an expensive console.
Casino games
When you think of casino games, you might think of a type of game that can only be played at a casino hall. Games that can only be played with the slot machine, the roulette wheel or the poker table in front of you. A game that you can only play if you’re in the same room as other players or a dealer. The reality is in 2021 you can play these games at all times of day, no matter where you are and who you are with. As long as you have access to the internet, you’ll be able to play all of the casino games you enjoy. If you’ve never played these games before, there are lots of advantages to playing these games online before you play them in a casino hall. Many of these games have tutorials to teach you all of the rules and correct you if you play a wrong move. Many websites don’t even require you to deposit any money before you can play your first game. There is a long list of websites on the review website freeextrachips.com that will allow you to try the game before you need to deposit any money. Only when you’re happy with the game will you be asked to deposit money.
Phone games
When cell phones were first popular, if you wanted to play a game you were restricted to just a couple of very basic games. As you only had the number keys on your device to control any gameplay, these games were often also either very difficult or very dull to play. These days thanks to smartphones with large touchscreens, there are now a wide range of vastly different games coming out for these devices every day. It seems no matter what type of game you want to play, whether it be a driving game, a puzzle game or even a first-person shooter that you’d normally only find on powerful game consoles or PCs, there are so many new titles being added to app stores every day. Many of these games are also free or cost merely a few dollars to download.
Board games
Sometimes you don’t even need any high-tech graphics or even a screen to play an exciting game. Although they’ve been around for centuries, board games continue to be extremely popular ways to pass the time. Whether it’s an ancient classic like chess, a modern classic like Monopoly or even a brand new game that’s just been released onto the market, there are so many options to choose from.
The only problem is most of these games require multiple people to play, which means you’ll probably have very few chances to play them if you live alone or with people who don’t share your interests in gaming.