The physical therapy market size in the United States is around $40 billion per year. It’s a career path that brings numerous benefits to patients, and it’s a choice that you can get a lot out of.
If you’re interested in starting this career, it’s important that you follow the correct steps. Here’s what you should know about a career in physical therapy and how you can make it a reality.
1. Find Out Why You Want This Career
What is it that you love about a physical therapy career? Study the job and everything that comes with it, and find out what mark you’d like to leave. Consider the numerous people you’ll heal of pain and ailments.
You’ll know that you’re leaving a mark on people’s lives and will love the fact that it’s an in-demand career. This career path is also versatile, as it allows you to go into numerous areas of interest.
Some physical therapists might work with athletes or people recovering from accident injuries, while others may lean toward holistic therapy and teachings.
You’ll also love the pay scale and benefits that the job brings. The median salary of physical therapists is about $90,000, but they can earn more than $100,000 on the upper end. Study the salary of physical therapists where you live to have a better idea.
2. Get Your Professional Training and Certification
Take the time time to get your training and certifications. Make sure that you pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) so that you can practice legally. Learning physical therapy formally will make you the most prepared.
It’s important that you study for the exam and fulfill your coursework so you get the chance to provide care to people. Having a job in physical therapy starts with these steps, so find the best school to complete your coursework.
3. Rack Up Your First Jobs
Make sure that you also build your experience by applying for entry-level jobs in the field. This early experience lets you study physical therapy up close and personal.
You might look into getting an internship that teaches you the ins and outs of the job and everything that it entails. Perhaps you’re looking into jobs for new chiropractors so that you can start treating patients and understanding the position.
During these first jobs, you’ll pick up skills like becoming an effective communicator, properly diagnosing someone’s pain or discomfort, scientific method, and how to cooperate with others within the clinic. Other professionals will provide physical therapist career advice that’ll guide your path.
4. Decide Whether You Want Your Own Clinic
After you’ve started getting on-the-job experience, you’ll want to decide whether or not you want to stay in someone else’s practice or open your own. Running a practice gives you the fulfillment of entrepreneurship, but prepare to do more and be responsible for moving parts. This doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.
Hire the help of a business attorney that can assist you in establishing your practice, put together accounting and human resources (HR), and make sure that you stock up on all of the chiropractic equipment and supplies that you need.
5. Treat Each Patient With Care
Take the time to give each patient the individual care that they need. Every patient comes with needs, and your ability to serve them will dictate a lot of the new and repeat business you receive.
Ask your patients to leave reviews so that you improve your local search engine optimization (SEO) results and receive more fresh traffic.
Start Your Career in Physical Therapy
Having a career in physical therapy can be incredibly rewarding for so many reasons. You’ll get the outcomes that you desire when you consider the tips above.
Study this guide to a career in physical therapy and use our site when you need other helpful information. Check out our other articles to find out more about health, fitness, and working on a career path.