Did you know that an estimated 22% of the US workforce will be working from home by 2025?
There are tons of perks to working from home, from being able to earn money from your couch (or bed, if we’re being honest) to more flexible hours. But, there are plenty of downfalls as well.
If you’ve just started to work from home, problems might be cropping up that you hadn’t considered. Luckily, we’re here to help.
Take a look at our guide to common work from home challenges and how to avoid them.
1. Keeping Procrastination at Bay
One of the most commonly discussed disadvantages of working from home is a rise in procrastination. Without a boss looming over your shoulder, it’s easy to let your work slide and focus on more fun or entertaining things! To stop this from happening, create a work space free from distractions, keep your phone out of the way if you can, and set goals or a schedule you have to meet.
2. Managing Interruptions
When working remotely, you’ll encounter a new batch of work interruptions. While some interruptions are unavoidable, like internet outages or the doorbell going, there are ways you can help limit them:
- Invest in phone data when your WiFi fails
- Set up Do Not Disturb times to keep family away and save issues and discussions for later
- Don’t answer personal calls during work hours
- Get childcare
- Get petcare if you need to
If all else fails, escape your house and head out to a co-working space or coffee shop.
3. Loneliness and Lack of Social Interaction
Working from home can be very isolating, especially if you don’t live with anyone else. Make it a priority to go out everyday, be it on a walk, to the store, or to visit a friend. Also, try and have a facetime or phonecall with a friend or family member daily.
These are small ways to instantly help you socialize more from home. Remember to get out and about at the weekends too, taking advantage of your free time to socialize!
4. Staying Active
Both working in an office and working from home can make you very inactive, but remote working is usually worse. When you don’t have anywhere to even go to, your physical activity could be limited to walking from your bedroom to your office! But this can have huge implications, such as increasing your risk of heart disease later in life.
Here are some tips to stop you sitting too much:
- Go on a daily walk
- Invest in an exercise bike in your home for rainy days
- Monitor your steps with the step counter on your phone or smart watch
5. Switching Off From Work
It’s easy for home life work life to merge when working from home, but this is very unhealthy. Make sure you have set hours you work each day and when your time is up, switch off all work related items (including emails!) and take time to relax. Let your co-workers know your hours, too, so that they know when and when not to contact you.
Leave Work From Home Problems in the Past
When you work from home, problems are bound to arise. But with these tips you should be able to make it work for you. Once you do, the benefits of remote working will make any teething problems well worth it!
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