The Liver, as we all know, is a very important part or organ of the human body. It’s essential because without a liver one cannot survive. But if one’s health is compromised even then one can not have the full enjoyment of his/her life. Yes, we all want to eat a lot of things irrespective of the fact that it’s good or bad for our liver health. The younger generation wants to drink and party as it’s their way of enjoying their life, some want to eat whatever they like. Still, the question remains are we doing something or even a single thing to support the health of our liver? If yes then its good and if no, then we have something which can help. A very effective and great product by Planet Ayurveda “Yakrit Plihantak Churna” can help in taking care of the liver but obviously, there are certain things which you have to watch before you do. It is a way to right your liver health from whatever wrong you have put inside.
Liver is called as yakrit in Ayurveda and pliha is understood as spleen. Antak here means getting rid of ailments and churna is in powder form. A product which is in the form of churna, is helpful in ending all ailments related to liver and spleen. The product is a mixture of various crude herbs that help in the treatment of hepatic and splenic disorders. The efficient yakrit plihantak churna shown in the management of liver and spleen disease is a challenge to modern medicine. In the modern system of medicine, there may be hepatoprotective drugs but there is nothing that can stimulate the functioning of liver cells and help in their regeneration.
In herbal preparation, the most important part is the standardized herbs which are good in quality and quantity and thus are helpful in manufacturing a good and effective product.
Yakrit Plihantak Churna is prepared using eight herbs. These herbs are well-known herbs of Ayurveda and are very well known for their effect on liver and spleen ailments. As the improvement in the liver condition begins, the all-over body condition also begins.
The body tends to show improvements like proper digestion, no bloating, absence of excessive gas and a feeling of full energy. Yakrit plihantak churna is just one of its kind and gives really fantastic and great results in all types of liver ailments.
The herbs, which are the ingredients of Yakrit Plihantak Churna are:
- Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri)
- Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
- Makoy (Solanum indicum)
- Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
- Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
- Kaasni (Cichorium intybus)
- Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea)
- Bhringraj (Eclipta alba)
These herbs are helpful in liver cell rejuvenation, spleen cells regeneration as well as the proper functioning of the liver and the spleen. Let’s have a description of its products, but before that, there’s an interesting thing to include. Research is also done on Yakrit Plihantaka Churna, by some Researchers on the Standardization of Yakrit Plihantak Churna. And Guess What!! The Product has passed the process and the researchers have concluded it as:
“Samples were collected from the local market and were subjected to standardisation on the basis of organoleptic properties, physical characteristics, and physic-chemical evaluation. Microscopic characterization was compared with authentic ingredients as a reference. It was observed that the commercial sample from the market matched exactly with that of authentic standards after performing the standardization. The set parameters were found to be sufficient to evaluate that the studied Churna can be used as a reference standard for the quality control/assurance purpose.”
The Research Paper can be read here: http://ijpsr.com/bft-article/standardization-of-yakrit-plihantak-churna-an-ayurvedic-polyherbal-formulation/?view=fulltext
Now moving further let’s discuss the ingredients of Yakrit Plihantak Churna in detail. Details of herbs include their benefits, uses and how they are of help in liver ailments and spleen ailments.
Ingridients Description
Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri)
भूधात्री वात्कृतिक्ता कषाया मधुरा हिमा।
पिपासा कास पित्तस्र कफ कण्डु क्षतापहा।। (भा प्र 281)
The verse suggests that bhudhatri, that is bhumi amla, is having kashya (Astringent), Madhur (Sweet) and tikta (bitter) taste. The herb has guru (heavy) and ruksa (Dry) guna (properties). In addition, it is cold and it has a sweet after digestion effect. Bhumi amla is a very famous and potent herb that is known for its multiple uses. It is also known by the name Dukong anak. The herb is known to have properties which are anti-inflammatory and also helps in reducing hyperbilirubinemia. It also helps in detoxifying the liver and removes the accumulated toxins in the liver. Due to above mentioned properties it acts as a kapahapitta hara. Bhumiamla is also an amazing appetiser, bears digestive properties and stimulates the functioning of the liver.
Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
भेदिनी दोपनी हृद्या कफपितज्वरापहा।
प्रमेह श्वास कासास्र दाह कुष्ठ कृमि प्रणुत ।। (भा प्र 146)
Katuki is known from ages for its amazing effects in pacification of dosha and improving the condition of the human body. Due to its bhediya effect it is having toxin piercing effect on accumulated endotoxins and as it has deepaniya property which means it also helps in digestion of these accumulated toxins. The english name of katuki is hellebore. Discussing its appearance, the katuki have a hard trunk and radish roots. Its leaves are serrated with long round tips. It has ruksha and laghu guna (Drying and light properties), tikta rasa (bitter taste), katu vipaka (pungent post digestion effect) and sheeta veerya (Cold potency). It is kapha pitta shodhak (balances potential and thermal energies) and is really helpful in all the disorders which are having kapha or pitta aggravation as their predominant cause. Due to its bitter taste, it can stimulate taste buds if given in small doses and is also an appetite enhancer. It is piitavahastrotogami and raktavahastrotogami which means it purifies blood and also helps in reducing inflammation.
Makoy (Solanum indicum)
तिक्ता रसायनी शोथ कुष्ठ अर्शो ज्वर मेहजित।
कटु नेत्रहिता हिक्का छर्दि हृदरोग नाशिनी।। (भा प्र 252)
Makoy is also called kaakmachi in Ayurveda. Kakamachi has tikta (bitter) and katu (pungent) rasa (taste). The herb helps in strengthening the liver and Stimulates the bile secretion from the liver. Makoy or kakamachi has a chemical constituent which is known as solanine. This constituent is found in all parts of the plant and its amount in the plant increases as the plant grows. Solanine is a glycoalkaloid which is typically found in the species of nightshade family. This plant is not only having hepatoprotective effect but also has anti daibetic activity, immunostimulant activity, anti microbial activity, anti ulcer activity, analgesic activity and also estrogenic effect. This herb tends to show anti oxidant and anti larvicidal effects also. Classically the herb is also having its effect in eye disorders, hiccoughs and relieves vomiting as well. It is also termed as hridya roga nashini (effective in heart disorders) and also acts as rasayani (rejuvenating). Kakamachi also has its effect in swelling, skin disorders, piles, fevers and diabetes.
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
पुनर्नववारुण तिक्ताकटुपाक हिमा लघुः।
वातला ग्राहिणी श्लेष्म पित रक्त विनाशिनी।। (भा प्र 237)
Punarnava is found all over India and is especially found in abundance during rainy seasons. According to the above stated verse punarnava has a bitter taste and pungent post digestion effect that is vipaka. It has cold potency and laghu property. The herb has two varieties, shwetha purna and rakt purna. The plants have typical characteristics, that is it has white and red coloured roots. The constituents of punarnava plant mainly show diuretic effect but also tends to show hepatoprotective effect. Punarnava also has its role in being widely used in balancing excess levels of bile and is very commonly used in jaundice. Dhanwantri nighantu, one of the classical text books of the Ayurveda has also mentioned that white variety of this herb is efficient in reducing oedema, treats anaemia and intestinal colic or intestinal cramps. The herb also helps in reducing kapha and pitta dosha which are the potential and thermal energies in the body. Punarnava balances excess of kapha by its diuretic effect and hence provides room for vitiated pitta to reduce to its pacified stage.
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata)
Kalmegh is a plant which is called the king of bitters and green chiretta. It is called the king of bitter due to its extremely bitter taste. But due to its bitter taste, kalmegh very effectively pacifies pitta.The herb effectively treats inflammation, allowing the body to fight infections by building strong defence lines. It also has its role in repairing damaged tissue and also acts as an antioxidant. Moreover, kalmegh removes endotoxins present in the form of fat inside hepatocytes that are the hepatic cells or liver cells and hence enhances the functioning of the liver. Cheerata is helpful in reducing swelling and soothes hepatic surfaces, repairs damaged cells and also acts as an efficient analgesic. As it has pitta balancing properties it gives good results in managing skin ailments and also corrects blood glucose levels which simply means it is helpful in diabetes as well. As an ingredient of yakrit plihantak churna it also has its effect on stabilising splenic functioning.
Kaasni (Cichorium intybus)
Kaasni is having a cholagogue effect which means it helps in secretion of bile, and purging it downwards into the intestine thus enhancing the intestinal absorption as well.. Kaasni is very effective in hepatic ailments or disorders like obstructive jaundice which is due to extra hepatic obstruction like in common bile duct (CBD), hepatitis and also helps in reducing inflammation. The flowers of kassani are prepared into sherbet and thus are given in liver ailments. Kassani is termed as liver tonic and is very beneficial in improving liver functioning and thus reduces chances for further accumulation of fat in liver cells. It is called the syrup of wild cherries in European countries. The herb also has kapha and pitta dosha pacification effects. The leaves, roots, seeds and whole plant are used in any preparation containing kaasani. The potency of herb is ushna or hot. So all over, kaasani is a really great herb that justifies its part as the ingredient of yakrit plihantak churna.
Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea)
शरपुन्खा यकृत प्लीह गुल्म व्रणविषापहः।
तिक्तः कषायः कासास्त्र श्वास ज्वरहरो लघुः।। (भा प्र 205)
The verse above suggests that sharpunkha is a herb which is tikta (bitter) and kashaya (astringent) in taste. The herb has laghu guna (light property) thus making it easily digestible. Sharpunkha has properties like febrifuge (helps in fever reduction) and is also a cholagogue (that promotes flow of bile). As the herb has katu rasa which makes it the perfect agent for kapha pacification. Moreover it behaves as a tonic for the liver and also possesses diuretic (that eliminates water from body) properties. This herb also gives wonderful results in biliary system obstruction. Sharpunkha supports liver health very effectively and gives desirable results. The herb is also known as pliha ghana due to its effect on spleen and if used externally its raktrodhak. Internally, the herb helps in rakt shodhan, which is blood purification. This herb is also very beneficial in enhancing the immunity and also has great results in skin ailments.
Bhringraj (Eclipta alba)
भृंगराज कटुसतिक्तो रुक्ष उष्ण कफवातनुत ।।
केश्यास्तवाच्या कृमि कास श्वास शोथा पाण्डुनुत।
दन्त्यो रसायनो बल्यः कुष्ठ नेत्र शिरो तिनुत।। (भा प्र 245)
Bhringraj is katu (pungent) and tikta (bitter) rasa (taste). The properties of this herb are that it is ruksha (drying) and ushna (hot). Moreover, this herb is also having kapha vata pacification effect. Bhringraj is a herb that is most popular for its keshya effect, that is the effect on hairs and plays a role in their regeneration. The herb also has constituents like alkaloid ecliptine. Its roots behave as tonic for the liver and its leaves have a cholagogues (bile secretion effect) effect. Roots and leaves of this plant are largely used alone or in combination with ajwain seeds in derangements of liver and gallbladder. These are also used as a substitute for taraxacum which is a reputed and popular liver tonic. In addition the herb is having anthelmintic effect, relieves kasa (cough), shwas (breathing problems), shootha (swelling) and anaemia as well. It is also having its effect on teeth, works as a rasayan on the body, strengthens the body and works on skin ailments along with eye related problems too.
- The Yakrit plihantak churna can be well used in all types of liver ailments and is also helpful in spleen disorders.
- Improves circulatory system
- Eliminates toxins from liver and body
- For healthy functioning of liver and liver cells
- Maintaining healthy functioning of spleen and its cells
- Promoting healthy digestion
The Yakrit Plihantak Churna is given in the dosage of one tsp twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.
The yakrit plihantak churna, is indeed a way to correct all your mistakes. Though, sometimes you are doing all things right and still want something that can support the healthy functioning of the liver. The formulation is prepared under the guidance of MD Ayurveda experts and contains great plus effective herbs. In many chronic liver and spleen diseases Yakrit Plihantak Churna gives really great results. The churna is totally herbal and do not cause any kind of side effects. One can opt for Yakrit Plihantak Churna at any age and in very age it will give satisfying and convincing results. In case of any query kindly visit:- www.PlanetAyurveda.com