A study of business executives indicated that 71% of them ranked employee engagement and motivation crucial to achieving business success. Yet while there is plenty of information about motivating a workforce, it can be harder to get yourself going. So how can you motivate yourself at work?
Even in the worst of circumstances, it can be done. Read on as we discuss how to get motivated in seven easy steps.
1. Break Tasks Down Into Small Bitesized Goals
Motivation can vanish when you have a large task to take on. You may not know where to start or how to continue the task once you do. In these instances, it helps to plan out what you intend to do.
Decide how you will get started, then set stages designed for meeting targets. To increase motivation, you may also include timescales so you can make them more measurable.
This will work much better if you give yourself regular goals and treats. Something as small as a coffee break or walking the dog can spur you on.
2. Set up Challenge Coins in the Workplace
Challenge coins have a long history. They were originally created to show membership to an organization or a group. After this, they started to become awarded for special achievements and recognition.
These coins are small, metal objects that fit neatly into the palm of your hand. An insignia of the awarding organization is usually etched into the surface and they can be colored to add decoration. They can come in shapes other than circular.
Custom challenge coins are available so you can create your own. Whatever your business or job, you can use them as a reward. By setting goals and accomplishments that result in the award of a coin, you will be able to find motivation not just for yourself but other employees.Â
Introducing schemes such as this can help build bonds. You can introduce them to eliminate toxic workplace culture, aiming them at social and wellbeing goals as well as financial. Your custom challenge coin can feature a logo, special design, and/or special words – and there is no minimum order required.
3. Find Work That Interests You
It is a simple notion, but if you enjoy work you are more likely to do it. In day-to-day life, people do not always have the ability to pick and choose. Yet in some instances, it can just be a case of being proactive.
Ask your boss for a new project. Discuss motivation with them and tell them you want a new challenge. They may be able to help you out or at the worst, give you a new perspective.
Even learning a new skill can revitalize your motivation. Do a part-time course or ask to be sent on workplace training. This also shows your employers that you are always willing to improve.
It does not mean you have to leave your job. However, in some cases, it may be the answer. If nothing you do interests you then think about what does and look elsewhere.
4. Take a Holiday
If you seem to be grinding but getting nowhere, ask yourself when your last holiday was. This is not a national holiday or one where you worked. Think about when you last traveled somewhere, turned off from work, and had real downtime.
The global pandemic has meant that many people did not travel so just worked instead. This is especially true of those who switched to remote work. Studies have shown that taking a holiday can really improve productivity upon a return, so think about booking in some vacation time.
5. Organize Yourself
It can really push you into action if you take a break and organize your digital workspace. These moments are the best way to get yourself set up for the rest of the working day or week.
Start with your email inbox. Delete unwanted emails, unsubscribe from mailing lists, and clean up any folders. You may be surprised at how old some of the messages you have in your folders actually are.
After this, delete any unwanted documents from local storage. This includes any in the document folder and on the dreaded desktop. After this, reorganize any folders, apps, and contact lists you may have.
6. Set Your Mind at Ease
Many people let problems from home or elsewhere travel to work with them. This can results in a dip in motivation. If you can clear your mind of these issues, then you may find an uptick in your productivity.
Begin by clearing out all of the things that don’t matter. If you were worried about trivial matters, identify them. If they are small matters you can sort quickly with a phone call or email, sort them out.
After this, make your internal dialogue positive. Cheer yourself on instead of dictating to yourself. Think about all the positive outcomes that will happen when you complete the task.
7. Find Your Motivation
Start by thinking about why you are doing this job. Why did you take it on in the first place and what were you hoping to achieve?
The next part is a lot harder. Don’t just wait for the motivation to come, as it might not happen. Simply push on with it and power through, getting the jobs done.
If you set yourself a concrete time for clocking off or quitting, it can act as an incentive. Instead of slowing down toward the end of the working day, it may fire you up.
Get Motivated
Now you know how to get motivated, introduce some of these tips to your routine. Even doing them on productive days can incentivize you to do more.
If you found this helpful, we have many more articles. From careers to mental health, we can help give you job satisfaction in the coming year.