If you’ve gone overseas, you’ve probably overheard people of other countries criticizing some preconceptions about Americans. While some of the stereotypes are unjustified, one stands out: Americans are fascinated with their teeth. Look no further than the flawlessly straight, shining celebrity smiles that adorn magazine covers if you have any doubts. In 2020, data also showed 37 million Americans used teeth whiteners.
People are obsessed with teeth whitening, but it can be costly. So, what are the natural teeth whitening remedies that are available for people to use? While most pharmacies provide tooth-whitening kits, numerous natural methods can help eliminate stains and maintain tooth enamel. This article will go through the different ways that you can whiten your teeth naturally while staying at home.
Causes of Teeth Discoloration
There are a lot of reasons why teeth get discolored. Certain foods and drinks can discolor the outermost teeth layer. Plaque, which is a sticky deposit of materials, can also cause discoloration. That sort of discoloration can be remedied with regular cleaning, but over time the deposit and the discoloration can be too much to clear with a simple cleaning.
Sometimes, the outer teeth layer can reveal the lower layer, which is less white. The lower layer known as dentin is naturally yellow. No matter what the reason is for teeth discoloration, there are steps that you can take to reverse its effects.
Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
There are plenty of ways that you can whiten your teeth naturally. It’s best to try out these options first since nature is always better. Besides, these remedies can also be done in the comfort of your own home.
1. Oil Pulling
Is this the first time that you hear about oil pulling? That’s not surprising since it’s not really a common practice. Oil pulling is actually a folk remedy. It’s utilized to get rid of toxins in the body.
The practice involves swishing oil inside your mouth to remove the bacteria that can cause plaque to build up, which in turn causes teeth discoloration. Traditionally, sunflower or sesame seed oil is used for this practice, but coconut oil is now the popular choice because it tastes better and has supposedly numerous health benefits.
To do oil pulling, place a teaspoonful of oil in your mouth and then pull it through your teeth. Swish it around your mouth so that the oil will cover all the teeth surfaces. Spit out the oil into a trash can once you are done.
2. Brush Your Teeth Using Baking Soda
One of the most versatile materials in your kitchen is baking soda. Because of its effects, baking soda is used extensively for cleaning and disinfecting. But things don’t end there. Baking soda can also be handy when it comes to whitening your teeth.
The thing about baking soda is that it’s an abrasive that works by scrubbing away stains. So, if you brush your teeth using baking soda, it should help scrub away tooth stains. Just remember that you should not use it too often for brushing your teeth because it can weaken your teeth by chipping away too much of its surface.
If you are not comfortable using baking soda to brush your teeth, you can just use toothpaste mixed with baking soda instead.
3. Use Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is used as an antiseptic, but aside from that, it is also a natural bleaching agent which can act to whiten surfaces. Today, many whitening products actually contain hydrogen peroxide, although the concentration is higher than what would be normally suggested for use.
The best way to use hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening is to use toothpaste that contains it. You can also use it as a mouthwash but just be sure to use a weak concentration.
4. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables
Yes, eating fruits and vegetables, especially the crunchy ones, can help make your teeth whiter. It’s not a substitute for regular brushing your teeth, but the crunchy surface can help remove plaque.
There are also claims that certain fruits can act on whitening the teeth surface. These fruits include strawberries and pineapples. These claims have not been backed by scientific study, however.
5. Brushing and Flossing
Sometimes discoloration comes with age, but in most cases, it is caused by the build-up of plaque on the tooth surface. Regular brushing and flossing are still the best way to combat the effects of plaque build-up. Make sure too that you are brushing correctly.
Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. You may also use an electric toothbrush to enhance your technique especially if you have noticeable plaque or bleeding gums. Also, don’t forget to get a regular dental cleaning.
These are just some of the best natural ways that you can whiten your teeth. As with most things, prevention is still a lot better than solutions to problems. Preventing your teeth from getting discolored in the first place is a lot easier than getting them to whiten later on.
Now, these home remedy solutions might not work all the time. You will always have the option to go to a dentist and have a procedure meant to whiten teeth. It may not be as convenient as the home remedies that we have listed here, but you will have the benefit of a professional working with you to achieve your goal of having whiter teeth.