Nuts have become one of the favourite snacks amongst dieters around the world. No matter which kind of diet you subscribe to you can incorporate nuts in it. From keto dieters to vegans, everyone seems to recommend them. This isn’t accidental. Nuts are one of the healthiest foods to choose from and there are many reasons why.
They are highly nutritious
Even though there are many types of nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts or Brazil nuts, one thing that they all have in common is the fact that they are nutritiously dense. What does this mean? Well, a lot of the foods that are commonly consumed such as sweets and chips only have carbs, fat and sugar in them. However, if you were to eat the same amount of nuts you would be getting the added benefits of proteins, healthy unsaturated fats and a lot of minerals and vitamins. Because of this, what is the healthiest nuts to eat is a highly loaded question since every nut comes with its own benefits. If you want to add to your Selenium intake, you should eat more Brazil nuts, whereas if you would like to add to your Omega-3 levels add some more walnuts to your diet.
Nuts may aid your weight loss journey
Some people who have just started their weight loss journeys fear nuts because they are high in calories. However, it has been reported that even though their calorific content is quite high in the package, your body doesn’t absorb all of the calories from them. When digesting certain nuts, some of the fat doesn’t get fully digested, staying trapped in fiber. Additionally, there’s research that indicates that dieters who have been regularly consuming nuts have lost more inches off their waist than the control groups.
They reduce the risk of strokes and coronary disease
Having high bad cholesterol levels comes with a risk of diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Nuts are known to reduce bad cholesterol levels and with it the risks that it carries. Also, nuts which are high in omega-3 such as walnuts, may help with blood clotting. Nuts are also known to relax your blood vessels easing the blood flow since they are rich in an amino acid called arginine.
They are high in fiber
Nuts are one of the foods which are very rich in fiber. Fibers are micronutrients which come with many benefits to your health. What is interesting when it comes to fiber is that it isn’t our bodies that digest it, it is digested by the bacteria that live in your gut. In order to have your digestive tract at its healthiest you should eat foods that are high in fiber. Not only does fiber help healthy bacteria in your colon, it also provides you with the prolonged feeling of being full and satiated. This additional benefit of fiber is why nuts may help with weight loss. If you’d like to eat nuts with a high fiber content you may want to get some almonds, pistachios and hazelnuts into your diet.
They are widely accessible
Whenever there’s a new super food praised by nutritionists, it is some kind of exotic berry or some kind of seed found in remote parts of the world. What is great about nuts and why so many people are advocating for everyone to integrate them in their meals is that they are so widely available. You may enjoy them in the butter form on your bread as a part of a healthy breakfast or you may want to eat them whole for a snack. Nuts are very versatile and easy to add to your diet.