Do you know what to do in a medical emergency?
We may not be able to predict when disaster may strike. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t still prepare ourselves to deal with the aftermath. Here are five things you can do to prepare yourself for medical emergencies.
1. Invest in Some Training
What’s the use of having a well-equipped first aid kit during health emergencies if you don’t know how to use it? The best way to prepare yourself for medical emergencies is by investing in a few legitimate first aid courses.
A quick Google search may help in a pinch. But, getting hands-on experience ahead of time with an actual medical professional will ensure that should the need arise, you’ll know what to do in a medical emergency.
2. Build a First Aid Kit
Once you know what to do in a medical emergency, it’s time to gather the tools you’ll need to fix the situation. While you can find a perfectly decent home first aid kit at any drugstore, odds are it’s not going to include everything you might need, such as prescription medicine.
The best way to make sure your first aid kits are well equipped is by building them yourself. By creating one yourself, you can ensure that no matter what may happen, you’ll have the tools you need to stabilize the situation until you can get proper medical attention.
You should also keep in mind that medical emergencies don’t just happen at home. So, you should keep a duplicate first aid kit in your vehicle as well, in case you need it.
Finally, prescriptions and medicine don’t last forever. So, you’ll need to regularly inspect your first aid kit to ensure everything is up to date and nothing has expired.
3. Create an Emergency Info Sheet
While home safety is essential, as we mentioned in the last section, medical emergencies can happen anywhere. Another fantastic way to prepare yourself for a medical emergency is to carry an emergency information card with you at all times.
This card should include things like your emergency contacts, blood type, any allergies or underlying conditions you may have, and any other information that could help you get the care you need.
4. Get to Know Your Local Hospital
Sometimes during a medical emergency, you won’t be able to transport yourself to a place where you can get help. And while it’s important to know when to call an ambulance, you should also keep in mind that not every medical emergency requires the aid of EMTs. So, you’ll need to learn the way to your local hospital on your own.
Take some time to familiarize yourself with the location of your nearest hospital. Take some time to write down or memorize the address. So, if you need to get a ride there from someone else, you can help direct them.
5. Save all Your Emergency Contacts
Do you know the number for poison control? Odds are, the only emergency number you know off the top of your head is 911. And while contacting emergency services can be lifesaving, it’s not the only number you need to know.
Fortunately, thanks to modern cellphones and smartphones, the days of having to memorize phone numbers are long gone. Make sure you save any emergency contacts you may need, like poison control or Air Ambulance, in your phone, so you have them at your fingertips just in case disaster strikes.
How to Prepare Yourself for Medical Emergencies
Now that you know a little more about how to prepare yourself for medical emergencies, it’s time to get to work researching first aid courses and putting together your trauma kit.
Are you looking for more advice on how to prepare yourself for the unexpected? We’ve got you covered. Check out the rest of our blog for more helpful articles and advice today!