Whilst snacking on food might seem like an enjoyable way to pass the time throughout the day; unfortunately, it’s not the healthiest. If you’re a food fan, you could instead try making your own versions of your favourite recipes to keep yourself entertained. With that in mind, here are three new hobbies that will keep any foodie occupied.
Grow your own
Have you ever picked up a fruit or vegetable from the store and wondered about all the steps it’s taken to get it into your basket? Well, one of the best ways to enjoy and truly appreciate the brilliance of your food is to grow it from scratch yourself. Simply find a seed retailer, like www.happyvalleyseeds.com.au who have over 800 varieties of different vegetable and flower seeds on their website, and choose which types of food you’d like to grow in your garden. Of course, certain vegetables will need more attention than others, and some may not even grow at all if your garden doesn’t have enough light for the plants to truly thrive. With this in mind, make sure you check the instructions for every seed before you buy it, so you’re not left disappointed when your food doesn’t grow.
Once you’ve planted your seed, you can watch the wonder of mother nature take its course, helping it along the way with the occasional watering and even feed. When your food is fully grown, you can then pick it, clean it up, and have it ready to put into one of your recipes within minutes. These will most likely be the freshest vegetables you will have ever tasted, and you can rest assured they’ve been grown in an environmentally friendly manner without any of the pesticides and chemicals many mass food producers use to look after their crops.
Brew your own
If you’re a fan of a certain drink, why not try and brew your own version of it at home. You might think that brewing your own beer or cider is something that takes a lot of knowledge and specialist equipment. Luckily as the hobby has grown in popularity, a number of different kits have appeared on the market to make this process as simple and as enjoyable as possible. These come with everything you need to brew your own alcoholic beverage. Many of them simply only require you to add water and then leave to one side for several weeks to brew. Once it’s started the brewing process, you can then add your own flavours to make it taste exactly how you want.
For centuries, people have been baking as a way of not only making delicious sweet treats but also entertaining themselves whilst doing so. Whilst this hobby is far from new, over recent years, the range of recipes online has expanded massively. Thanks to the success of shows like The Great British Bake Off, more and more people are trying more specialist patisserie recipes instead of baking a simple sponge cake. Why not try baking something new by simply searching for the instructions online.