It’s not always easy to comfort a loved one after a suicide. This type of devastation can take a huge toll on a person physically and emotionally. If someone you love has encountered the aftermath of their loved one’s suicide, there is hope.
But if you are unsure of how to be there to help your family or friend after a suicidal death, take a look at the information below:
Choose Your Words Wisely
If you really want to be there for someone after suicidal death, you have to choose your words carefully. It’s not always easy to know what to say, so don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have the right words.
However, unless you have personally experienced grief after the suicide of a loved one, don’t tell them that you understand. Also, don’t force them to move on too quickly. Avoid saying things like “Well at least they’re in a better place” or “Maybe it was meant to be”.
Be There for Them
It’s easy to tell someone that you’ll be there for them, but it’s another thing to actually do it. After a suicide, a person’s whole life can be turned upside down. To truly be there for your loved one, it’s best to put it into action.
For instance, if you know that they are struggling, go to the store for them and prepare some meals. Actively call them to make sure they’re feeling okay. Don’t just say, but do.
Actively Listen
For someone who is dealing with grief after a suicidal death, chances are they’ll want to talk about it. If they do, you should listen. The goal isn’t to get them to stop talking about it so they can stop crying.
Many times talking helps people work through their emotions. So, you should provide a listening ear and sound advice if you have it.
Be a Shoulder to Lean On
If you notice that your loved one is struggling to cope after someone close to them has committed suicide, be a rock for them. It’s not enough to suggest that they go to grieve counseling. Rather, it’s better to make the choice to go with him.
Maybe all they need is a support system to get up and go. For all you know, you’re one decision to go with them to a couple of counseling sessions could be their stepping stone to complete recovery.
If your loved one needs help with coping after a suicide, take a look at this company for more information.
Life After a Suicide
Although it’s hard to imagine a fulfilling life after a suicide, it’s possible. When you’re loved one is healing after the suicide of a loved one, it can be challenging. But with the right attitude and an understanding heart, you can help them get through it.
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